
Monday, January 13, 2014

Burrowing Owls - Pay No Attention to what the Biologists Say About Your Home

Photo: Kathie Brown
Tucson, Arizona
I like Burrowing Owls too. But lately it just seems that everyone is on the save the Burrowing Owl bandwagon when it comes to News articles and blog posts. And that's kool too. Actually this trend of Burrowing Owl concern has been increasing since 2010, but appears to be gaining steam lately. Articles in LA Times and Lawsuits filed by various Environmental organizations like the California Chaparral Institute have brought the subject to the public attention again. I have not written previously about them, but that doesn't mean I've never encountered them before. Actually, I have watched and observed them for decades (since I've traveled so much) and even been entertained by their humorous antics which captured my attention in the first place. While traveling locally around Southern California, I have found them in San Jacinto Valley, especially between Hemet & Winchester, along roadside fences along both side of Hwy 79 from Warner Springs to Lake Henshaw, Ramona, and the list is endless. However the greatest concentration was always down in Imperial Valley and NOT in the conventional ideal habitat locations as insisted upon by the usual celebrity biologists. The conventional opinion demands places like prairies and other open space locales are where you will find them and where they need to be kept. Everybody who is anybody knows this, we that is except the Owls. In my own personal experience of observing these kool birds, it was mostly within city limits near humans and their busy activity. I understand this won't be taken as a kool observation, but this is nevertheless my observation. Much like all my other unconventional observations I've written about over the past year. *cough-cough* Fire Ecology!!!

Photo by Floris van Breugel
Salton Sea
Growing up in San Diego County, the only place I remember seeing them around where I grew up was over in Santee. Why sure enough, it seemed they do like wide open spaces and El Cajon even back in the 1960s was losing not only it's cultivated agricultural land, but also most of it's wide open pastures or fields. Even Meadow Larks were becoming scarce back then and I believe now even they are to the point of being extinct from most of their former locations in El Cajon. Santee however developed later by comparison and the central part of the city which now is sadly further developed has probably pushed most open space wildlife to the brink there as well. I remember long before Cuyamaca St was extended all the way to Mast Boulevard, a vast open prairie was still alive and well with many of these plains critters at an incredible abundance. The area mostly had it's eastern boundary at Magnolia Ave and western boundary where KCBQ Radio Station and Carlton Hills Boulevard and the northern end extending to other fields north of Mast Boulevard where housing & Santana High School now exist. Most of that is gone and if there are any left, they most likely would be in the grassland foothills to the north of the city of Santee. Now I'm not going to tell a story about how the Owls live, eat, and nest etc. This has been done over and over by others and I'll post links at the bottom of this page for that if you are interested. What I am interested in helping folks to understand is that most of my sightings of owls and their nesting habitat was seen within the city limits of El Centro, Imperial, Brawley, Westmoreland, etc or even along roadsides and Farm Irrigation ditches. Hardly the thing of Wide(wild) open spaces. I know, I know, it's not what the field biologists out there tell us with all their stories, but nevertheless they actually do very well in specific locations near and around humans. This doesn't of course take away from movements to save the wild habitats closer to the coast of California, like San Diego. However, look below at the gallery of what has been documented by others in these southwestern locations.

photo by Lineatus -
This photo above is or was common site around many of the desert cities and small towns around Imperial Valley. This photo I believe was taken somewhere around the Salton Sea, perhaps near Calipatria or Nyland. Storms drains and other culverts are great places to watch for these entertaining little guys.

Photo by Kathie Brown

Parking Lot Burrowing Owls by Kathie Brown
 The above photo was taken in Pima County Arizona, but is also illustrative of what could be seen in times past in and around Imperial Valley towns and cities. The attached link above has more photos of the parking lot habitat. 

Photo by Southwest Birders (Bob & Mary)

Somewhere near the Salton Sea near New River
and Brandt Road.

2010 Photograph by JOSELITO VILLERO
My most favourite place to walk around and view them was at the Imperial Valley College campus grounds. The last visit I made there was in the year 2000.  Burrows were everywhere, especially under concrete sidewalks in between the buildings and out near parking lots. Apparently the Owls never went to University to study about their prime habitats and where they SHOULD ONLY be found living. While I'm in favour of seeing the Owls out in the wild with natural settings, I have no problem with them adapting and actually thriving among humans, since we're not exactly going away any time soon. Good for the Owls. The little birds are feisty and protective of their burrow territory and  I remember seeing them fly up from the ground and attack the backs of a student's head if the student ventured a short cut through the School landscape from the parking area to the Student Union quad area. Back on September 10 2010 in the LA Times, there was a disturbing article about about their major decline in Imperial Valley which has the largest California population of Burrowing Owls. Here are some very important quotes from that piece:
 "An alarming decline in the number of burrowing owls in the Imperial Valley -- a Southern California agricultural area that had been considered a stronghold for the species -- has prompted calls for an immediate inquiry by state wildlife authorities."
"Surveys conducted by the Imperial Irrigation District show the burrowing owl population has dropped from about 5,600 pairs in the early 1990s to 4,879 pairs in 2007, and 3,557 pairs in 2008."
For me this is bothersome because these feisty little birds were thick as flies within city limits and so habitat loss wasn't exactly the issue. Seriously, in the quotes below it states that urban development has brought about habitat loss. NOT, in my 30+ years of traveling down there on a weekly basis, urban & agricultural development have always increased their expansion. I know I know, it's not ecologically kool to say that, but that is nevertheless my observation and 25+ years of experience down there. However something else may be the problem as the article made important mention:
"Statewide, the burrowing owl has been decreasing because of habitat loss by urban development, elimination of rodents it feeds on, pesticides, predation by domestic animals, vehicle strikes, collisions with wind turbines and shooting."
"Most of California's remaining breeding pairs of burrowing owls are concentrated in Imperial Valley, an area that makes up roughly 2.5% of the state's land, Miller said. "We still don't know exactly what is causing the declines in the Imperial Valley," he said, "but loss of suitable foraging areas from fallowing of agricultural fields due to water transfers and ground squirrel eradication programs may play a role." 
Clearly some things could be eliminated as a possible cause for the Burrowing Owl decline down in the Imperial Valley if the L.A. Times article is true. As I've stated previously above, they were always thick as flies for decades down in Imperial Valley, so predation by feral or domestic cats and/or other animals, while certainly possible at times, to me would not be an issue. Their populations have been thick for decades down there and the past three or four years of decline if true would not really make much of a difference to me. Once again, these birds are feisty and defend territory fiercely. They certainly are not afraid to dive bomb the biggest and worst predator on Earth (Humans), so why would a bunch of Kitties suddenly be an issue ? No doubt they have been dive bombing cats or any other animal who get too close to the Den entrance and have successfully done so all along.
When Eco-Green really is a Red Light Warning

Image - SolUnesco

(Photo by: Kevin Cole)
The other issue mentioned was that the valley is experiencing  less agriculture which would limit food supply for mice (hence less mice) and other food sources like insects. Sure enough, Imperial irrigation district has made some dirty deals with San Diego to the west for more water. This means Imperial Vallet reduces irrigation water intake through the All American Canal and more water is allowed to be fed into the Aquaduct through the southern portion of the Mojave Desert and Joshua Tree National Monument which originates from Parker Dam upriver on it's way to San Diego. This is partly why the massive reservoir south of Hemet was built back in the 1990s to acommodate more water volume for San Diego. So less farmed fields because of less water and so-called eco-green alternative energy Solar Farms replaced crops. Less water and crops also mean less insects for lizards to feed upon. Lizards being another favourite food of Burrowing Owls. I've never really seen mice in the day time down there in the open, although I always did see plenty at night. Mice also are another one of those critters that never seems to have issues of being pushed aside for any reason. I don't think less fields being cultivated was an issue either. Besides, during the day time when I did watch them catching their prey, it was always grasshoppers, caterpillars and lizards. Anyone who has traveled through Imperial Valley any time, but especially at night has experienced a plethora of all manner of bugs hitting the windscreen and had to wash their vehicle of the zillions of little buggers plastering their car. So I highly doubt there are less bugs to be much of an issue either. 

Photo: Megan Lorenz / Rex Features
Again, Frogs and Lizards are also on their menu and there are plenty of both in great abundance down there. And less water means less of these too. The article listed  Road Collisions and Humans shooting them no doubt are true, but those things have also always been around, especially the issue of Humans doing stupid things for sport, and while that no doubt has increased, I don't think it's a decline issue either. Such dangers have always been around. But also it just quite possibly might be the new class of Industrial Ag pesticide products which as we all know have  become more of an increased phenomena as of late. Along with GMO crops designed to manufacture their own toxic qualities and engineered to be deluged with their science-based chemical cocktail junk. If the Owl's food sources have become contaminated with this junk, then possible decline by these means would be my own best guess. Frogs & insects in and around the field drainage ditches where the excesses of irrigation water loaded with both chemical fertilizers and pesticides leaches from the fields into the drainage ditches on their way to the Salton Sea are the most likely another culprit. Again, all the other things have been present all along. The only increase in anything new would be that of the newer generation of chemicals contaminating the food supply and as we all know this has led to the decline of anything and everything beneficial to the Natural world. Ultimately, there is no answer for the control of pesticides. Giant Corporate business interests are going to do as they please as long as they load the coffers of all political entities. No one fingerpointing political ideology is exempt from doing whatever it takes to stay in power. Both sides do it despite what enviros want to blame. Going to bed with degenerate bedfellows would be considered a necessary evil to fight the good fight of worldview promotion. I honestly don't believe there is any humanly possible solution to changing these corporate giants as there are no long term historical precedents to put trust or faith in. Notice I said long term, as at times there have been some localized short term successes, but gradually memories fade and even these areas are once again in trouble. The collision with Wind Turbines mention while always possible is also most doubtful given the Owl's preference for ground, much like Quail, they prefer ground. I don't ever think I've seen them fly as high as a giant wind turbine - EVER. But it does add colour and sensationalism to any article. With all of this said, I would rather focus on what individuals can do to encourage more Owls on their own private land.
'Owl condos' are move-in ready and coyote-proof
Army mobilizes to increase Burrowing Owl habitat in Oregon
By Bruce Henrickson, US Army Umatilla Chemical Depot Public Affairs

By Bruce Henrickson, US Army Umatilla Chemical Depot Public Affairs

By Bruce Henrickson, US Army Umatilla Chemical Depot Public Affairs

By Bruce Henrickson, US Army Umatilla Chemical Depot Public Affairs

Speaking personally, I don't think it would be all that tough to find raw salvage materials from which to construct such artificial dens. This would be a fun project for anyone with the right type of  open landscape. Especially land that is too tough to develop or, garden or planting of  any trees because of the hard rocky ground like I had on one knoll on my old place. It would take some work with a long  steel or iron digging bar  , but I think the rewards would be worth it and the exercise and experience worth while from a health standpoint. Involving your kids would also go along way in appreciation which is radically lacking in today's modern society. Reading about something does NOT take the place of actual experience. I think the decline of the Burrowing Owls in Imperial Valley, if true, the experts are going to reassess what is believed to be the problem. Off hand they could interview people (especially old timers) who actually live down there as opposed to what official outdated text books and short sighted periodic field trips lead them to believe. Not only should the Industrial Ag Business products be looked into, but also the Ground Squirrel eradication programs by means of poison bates from the Imperial Irrigation District who have a sort of hate relationship for anything that would disrupt their precious irrigation canal banks.
More Incovenient Habitat Truth - But The Burrowing Owls Love It 😆
Mission Bay area in San Diego is a rich habitat for Burrowing Owls, but I have only found information about them from private nature bloggers and photographers or just your average citizen out for a stroll on a public walk and grabs a quick camera shot from their mobile phone. Let's focus on one particular habitat never really acknowledge by the nativists and that would be Sea Fig which is the most common ice plant we see olong California Freeway Systems. Most of the Facebook California Native Plant organizations and Eco-Groups hate it. They generally have an intolarance for most things non-native, but Sea Fig is one of those at the top of the list. Now the Burrowing Owls don't necessarily like it, however one of their best buddles love it. California ground squirrels (Otospermophilus beecheyi). They love to eat it and have made burrows everywhere in it. What attracts the Burrowing Owls are the Ground Squirrel Colonies where some old holes are abandoned.

Ground Squirrel Colony - Sea Fig
Photo - Fishbio

Sea Fig has naturalized along the California Pacific coastline and the native wildlife have adapted to it's presence with success. Much to the disturbance of the purest.


Ground Squirrel & Sea Fig - 

The California Ground Squirrel although native have often been demonized as an annoying pest themselves and been persecuted to the point of massive poisoning programs in many places. Like Imperial Valley where the Irrigation Districts ditches and berms have been kept clean of Ground Squirrels which has also hurt the Burrowing Owls.


Ground Squirrel eating Sea Fig
Photo - The Horticult

But the Squirrels do rellish the succulent Sea Fig stems


Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve
Photo - Jonathan Coffin

Then the Burrowing Owls take notice when they migrate back from places up north. They spot the ground squirrels colonies we miss and don'y sea. I have to believe they are many more Burrowing Owl colonies throughout the system, but most Freeway Sea Fid landscapes are just usually impossible access to humans and perhaps too dangerous for stopping and looking in many places. The photo above is at the Ballona Wetlands Wildlife Reserve up in Orange County where the environmentalists who champion the reserve's restoration have an all out war declared against the Sea fig. Sadly if successful in ridding the area of Sea fig, it will have a domino effect on the squirrels and then Burrowing Owls.

San Diego River Estuary - Mission Bay, California
Photo - Greg Gillson

This Burrowing Owl above was photographed by Greg Gillson of Greg in San Diego blog. He has since moved on up to Washington State where he and his wife have retired, but still photograph and document birds. This Burrowing Owl nest is near the San Diego River Estuary. The Owls do not dig nests, but they scratch our a wider den in pre-existing Ground Squirrel holes. Now where Greg and others have left off, perhaps other private citizen wildlife hikers and photographers can pick up the slack now that you know what to look for. Fiesta Island in Mission Bay also has a colony of Burrowing Owls. Below is Greg's blog about the Burrowing Owl and lots more photos.
Another Blogger Jo Quinn also wrote and photographed the same Colony of Burrowing Owls in 2016.

It's clear that the Burrowing Owls don't mind the supposedly unnatural settings that environmentalists insist they are not supposed to prefer, like artificial unnatural man-made constructs as opposed to the abandoned ground squirrel dens in out of the way wide open spaces. This doesn't by any stretch mean that no one should ever rally support for protecting historical colony habitats. They should. But it's nice to know the Burrowing Owls are not as sensitive as other wildlife who find it impossible to adapt to human intrusion. Of course, fortunately the Owls never went to University where such wild habitat legend myths are etched in stone are taught. Fortunately for their own survival, they don't know they are not supposed to adapt well around human activity. Pssst 😏, don't no one tell these little Owls that. 😉
Further Reader References of Interest
Cuyamaca Woods Mountain Journal: "A Diversion to the Salton Sea: Our Annual Visit"
Cornell Lab of Ornithology - Burrowing Owls


  1. This "latest" wave of pesticides, we believe are causing a lot of birds normally found around the agricultural fields to decrease in numbers. It's rather alarming....perhaps our next DDT scare! The other is the constant need for expanding suburbs! Although these little guys don't mind being on the outskirts. The Burrowing Owls face danger from pets like dogs off their leashes AND the Barn Owls have major issues with cars because they like to fly low. Both face declining populations around here. The Salton Sea, thankfully is still thick with these birds around the ag fields....and my record keeping on known populations hasn't changed....which is good. My own opinion is that pesticides are the number one cause of these declining populations....bugs, etc are infected, they are eaten by birds.....and the result is not so good. Great write up and glad you wrote about these guys:)

    1. Yes, I really do believe that the dangerous new sophisticated generation of chemicals is the main culprit. I've seen too much to not discount it as the main cause. As I stated, for the decades I have observed them increasing, all the main issues they listed as problematic were always around. It's the pesticides that I would logically put to the fore. What I find irritating is that the Industrial Giants who make this junk will defend whatever it takes to create damage control. They never will admit anything. Thanks for stopping by. Guess I've been gone for a couple months.


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I will try to respond to each comment within a few days, though sometimes I take longer if I'm too busy which appears to be increasing.