
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

USDA Policy: Life begins in the Embryo!

Someone on Facebook reposted a link from the religious cult website, "IFL Science", which strangely enough for once published an interesting subject for a site otherwise known  for it's obsession with unrealistic PopSci fantasties. It was a video from 2012 showing where ink had been injected into a chicken egg embryo which allowed the viewer to see the heart cells beating. Here it is below.

The video above recalled back to my mind a controversial event which took place back in 2008 about grocery store chicken package from Tyson Foods being labeled antibiotic free, which in truth was a misleading false advertisement. It was all a marketing scheme by Tyson Foods to capture consumer market share from the organic movement who were spooked by chemicals and drugs being infused into their foods. In a nutshell, Tyson Foods was injecting science-based antibiotic vacs into chicken egg embryos and later claiming their chicken was antibiotic free because they never fed or inoculated antibiotics in chickens raised at their industrial farms. The USDA disagreed and filed a lawsuit against Tyson (Tyson also counter-sued) to stop using the misleading label. Tyson's argument was that the drugs were injected long before the chickens were alive. In otherwords, in Tyson's science-based worldview the chickens were not alive while they were still in the egg and didn't come to life until the day they hatched. Joel Salatin explained the controvery plain and simple in the video below at one of his farm tour events.

Worldview Conundrums for Both Sides of this issue
Image - Mike Byrne
So how did Joel Salatin put it ??? "Wow, that does make interesting conundrums does'nt it ?" Except this conundrum hits both ways for people of the Pro-Choice and Pro-Life crows. Of course the obvious meaning here is the controversial subject of abortion being alluded to. One side believing an embryo is nothing more than unviable tissue mass and the other side claiming it's life, even labeling themselves 'Pro-Life.' I don't mind the term pro-life, but the person using the term would have to be consistent in their view of life. For example, many who claim abortion kills life (I agree), sometimes view abortion as okay if the pregnancy is the result of rape. But this just begs the question, 'Is such a baby conceived as a result of rape not also a human life ??? Then there's the other issue where almost all folks claiming to be pro-life are also pro-military & diehard God & Country proponents. Hence when that baby is finally allowed to be born, it's later expected to support both God & Country during war time when it's country demands complete unquestioning obedience, possibly killing other like minded people with their same religious worldview. This requires going out and killing another life or themselves being killed when engaging in such a risky occupation. Not to poke fun here, but ponder for a moment, how exactly is that a pro-life stance ??? During World War II the people claiming to be Christians from both sides claimed God was on their side and they were told that by their very own Ecclesiastical Hierachical Authorites, even where the same demoninations existed on both sides. Although those Christians from the Allied side viewed their version as being on the righteous side of the issue, so did Nazi Germany as shown below by the often worn pin or badge by soldiers who believed God would give them the victory. 

But this is especially serious in view of biblical command calling for true Christians to keep separate from the world outside which is alienated from God. So can you see the other side of the conundrum ??? World War II more than anything else is why central and northern Europe is mostly Secular Athiest/Agnostic. I mean, a futher example, shows that before the war Germany in a census showed that 60+ million citizens claimed to be Christian. 60% said they were Evangelical and 40% claimed to be Catholic. But close to100% Christian in identity. What if every single one of them practiced a true pro-life stance ??? It doesn't take a genius to understand how a wack job like Hitler would never have come into power. Then there is the conundrum of the secular worldview side of things who generally are of the organic, eco-green & environmentalist worldview who will fight tooth and nail to save any animal, bird, insect, fish or plant, even at the embryo stage, but ultimately could careless about human life, especially humans not of their political ideological mindset. Many of them often celebrate this coming mythical futuristic 6th extinction event, insisting that human beings (themselves being exempted) should go extinct for the sake of the planet. Nothing seems to make sense anymore in our modern world. There's a biblical text of Isaiah 5:20 which has been fulfilled in our society many times over by both sides:
"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who present darkness as light and light as darkness, who make bitterness sweet and sweetness bitter."
Image - Sergey Yechikov (Shutterstock)
Okay let's get back to the bogus Tyson Chicken advertisement spin on life which insists that life doesn't exist until you breathe. Frankly under the present newer abortion controversy arguing for live birth abortion, which degrades life further, it does create more sensationalism for the ideologues of both sides who live for the combat debate. It doesn't take a self promoting credentialed genius to see that Tyson's claim that the chicken isn't alive while still in the egg doesn't hold water, not only in view of the egg video of heart beat, but also what many scientists themselves have truthfully stated about when life begins. Here are some links:
Princeton University: Life Begins at Fertilization
The bottomline here is Tyson Foods, the world's largest meat processor and the second largest chicken producer in the United States, was forced to admit that they injected their crowded factory farmed chickens with antibiotics before they hatched, but then later went ahead and labeled them as raised without antibiotics anyway arguing that the chickens were not alive until after they hatched. In response, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) told Tyson to stop using the antibiotic-free label. The company since then has sued the USDA over what they believe is their right to keep using it. In one of the above linked articles from, Edward Bell, a neonatologist at the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital, admitted that the problem on life before birth is this,
“It depends on how you define it.”
Sounds very much like another famous legal argument many are aware of known as "It depends on what your definition of 'is', is." One developmental biologist, Scott Gilbert, said this:
“Philosophers and theologians have argued for centuries about when personhood begins. But scientists know when it begins. It begins at fertilization.” 
Gilbert also concluded this:
“The science has very little to do with the answer. Every iteration and advance in the lab make the question even more the purview of philosophers and theologians. And lawyers.”
That's right, science and scientists are not needed in order to confirm what common sense clearly tells the rest of us. Life starts in the embryo.

Image - Food Business News
Why do Tyson & other Factory Farm Owners even use Antibiotics and other Science-based Chemicals in the first place ???
Image by Andrew Fox

Perhaps as a human being, you can understand how if you were forced to live under such filthy crowded conditions where you ate, slept and were confined in an enclosed cramped space with your own feces and urine spread around, in time you too would become deathly ill. But now how logical would it be to take multiple drugs to counter the diseased conditions without any attempt to change your filthy disgusting living surroundings ??? Yet this is what all factory farms do every single day and many scientists insist that this farm business model practice is perfectly safe and science-based. Criticize it and you are labeled Anti-Science. Don't believe me, well look at and read the link below.
A scientist claims caged hens live better than free-range birds. Has common sense flown the coop?
Well, fast forward now to 2017 and Tyson hasn't given up on their much coveted "All Natural" organic labels. 
Image -
Finally, this Youtube video below while humorous, is also sadly realistic & true in highlighting how this world's ongoing deceptive business model keeps on marketing and scheming just to sell their junk products to an otherwise gullible public who generally refuses to do their own due diligence homework. Something to consider the next time you go shopping at your flavourite grocery store. Seriously!!! 😳

Okay, Just One More Funny Video 😆
All-Natural, Non-GMO, 100% Gluten-Free Internet Video! 
Back to what constitutes real information for the development of a bird within the DNA
 "The works of Jehovah are great; They are studied by all those finding pleasure in them." Psalm 111:2
There's a reason why science fails. There's a reason why we have Climate Change, Sickness, Disease & Viral Pandemics (think genetic manipulation), Civil Social Unrest, Revolutions & Wars. The reason is more commonly known as the worldview promoting catch phrase: 
"Argument From Poor Design"
 Further Reading References if Seriously Interested 
Reuters: "Tyson sues USDA over antibiotic-free labeling"
Poultry World: "Antibiotic-free labelling - Tyson sues USDA"
Tree Hugger: "Tyson Injects Unborn Chickens with Antibiotics, Sues USDA to Keep Antibiotic-Free Label"
Mercola: "You Need to Know This If You Eat Tyson Chicken"
Tyson's Labeling Explanation Scheme Chicken Facts: A Quick Reference to the Packaging Puzzle
Further Reading about Factory Farms

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