
Monday, March 2, 2015

Astrobiology or Earth's Biology - which ?

If all of the dire News Reports on the Earth being in trouble ecologically are true, where have all those research funds & government grants gone for the purpose of reversing all this ??? 馃槙 Take a look at the image below. It was everywhere in all the News a while back & people ate it up like candy an didn't question anything. 馃槷

(Image: University of Buckingham/Getty)

Alien Seed ???
Typical World Headlines Lately
"UK Scientists: Aliens May Have Sent Space Seeds To Create Life On Earth"  
(Source: Huffpost)
"Antifreeze on Titan Could Affect Its Chances for Life"
Opening two sentences from Huffpost
"Scientists in the U.K. have examined a tiny metal circular object, and are suggesting it might be a micro-organism deliberately sent by extraterrestrials to create life on Earth. 
"Don't be fooled by the size of the object in the microscopic image above. It may appear to look like a planet-sized globe, but in fact, it's no bigger than the width of a human hair."

But now lookie here below at this image 馃槻 

Image: Mycorrhizal Applications Inc, Grant Pass, Oregon

So what's going on ??? Are these round spheres in the above image a group of spores from an alien planet drop by an extraterrestrial intelligence to further colonize Earth ??? From another article on the same subject and image used, the Journal, Irish Mirror, had this to say about the Alien Seed:
"Scientists in the UK say this microscopic metal globe could be proof that aliens are watching us. Balloons sent 27km into the stratosphere to collect debris came back with the object, no bigger than the width of a human hair."
So we are to believe that dust collected by a weather balloon at high atmospheric elevations collected Alien Extraterrestrial seeds. Well, this image I posted under that image shows a clipart image of a group of endo-mycorrhizal propagule spores being used in an employment Advertisement by a company I do business with in Grant Pass, Oregon, called, Mycorrhizal Applications Inc. So it appears Huffpost and the researchers instead of having an actual Alien Extraterrestrial Demon Seed are actually using a Endo-Mycorrhiza Propagule (spore) obtained from either ClipArt company, 'Getty' or 'Carl Zeiss Vison' as Mycorrhizal Applications Inc did to bluff their readers into believing their secular version of a myth. And sadly, the majority of readers have been trained never to question the Scientific Orthodoxy on anything they publish. Dare to question them and you are immediately attacked and labled an Anti-Science heretic. Now why is that ??? Take a further look at what Huffpost wrote as to why what normally would be brushed off as Science-Fiction, is now suddenly considered scientifically possible. Why ??? Because of facts or scientific experimentation ??? Nope! Read further 馃樀
"One theory is it was sent to Earth by some unknown civilization in order to continue seeding the planet with life," Wainwright hypothesizes. 
That theory comes from a Nobel Prize winner. 
"This seeming piece of science fiction -- called 'directed panspermia' -- would probably not be taken seriously by any scientist were it not for the fact that it was very seriously suggested by the Nobel Prize winner of DNA fame, Francis Crick," said Astrobiologist Milton Wainwright.
Did you notice why something that would otherwise be dismissed as a religious myth or science-fiction is suddenly accepted ??? Because the guy who first proposed such a silly idea is a Nobel Prize winner and he's credentialed, which means he has a flattering title before his name and alphabet soup initials after his name on a business card. You may vaguely remember Francis Crick and his fellow side-kick, James Watson who formulated the design of the Double-Helix image of DNA ??? It's now famously in all the science textbooks. So it must be true if Francis crick said it. This is absolutely crazy.

For decades when I've debated and argued with the conventional religious leaders on such false doctrines as Trinity, Immortality of the Soul, Hellfire and Damnation, etc, all of which has never been backed in their Holy Bible, I was constantly told by priests, pastors, reverends, etc that I had no credentials to tell them anything, Why ??? Because they all went to Seminary Schools, College educated where the main courses learned were not the Bible, but rather a secular version of Theology and Business Management. Of course my response was that the average person does not need to be a Hebrew and Greek Scholar, they can easily look up for themselves words/terms in Bible Dictionaries and Hebrew and Greek Lexicons. So if I wouldn't let the conventional clergy get away with that, why would I now cower to the Intellectual Secular Clerics who are now in power and in charge of forcing their religious secular myths down my throat ??? Seriously, credentialsed ???馃槙

Of course I could go on and on and list countless headlines and papers over the last few years where a plethora of clever words like "could" or "might" or "perhaps" and "may" are used repeatedly in all of the Astrobiology literature and News Media headlines. But isn't Biology by itself supposed to tell everyone just what "does" happen now or what "did" happen in the past ??? 馃槦 Years ago I admit that as a kid in the 1960s and later 1970s, I was intrigued by the fantasy of the possibility of life on other worlds. Hollywood actually helped out a whole lot with further promoting that fantasy, as they still do today with all manner of Sci-Fi World. Of course I'm not exactly intrigued much anymore by anything Hollywood produces & publishes. Today mankind and our own planet face countless major ecological crisis after crisis which are very very real and Scientific experts continually pound their collective fists on the Media Soap Boxes declaring how dire the consequences will be if Mankind doesn't listen to the Science and change their habits. Yup, Climate Change is a real crisis, but unfortunately the warnings ring hollow when the very same people who led mankind for decades and gave us Climate Change now insist you listen to them when they say "Trust us, we're Scientists. we can fix this." But on a similarly related subject we have something called Astrobiology, you know, the research of possibility of life on other planets even though it's never been proven with something called facts backed by evidence. Once again, these so-called Astrobiologist experts who study this subject claim only they know what it takes for life to exist somewhere out there. Yet right down here on Earth, they haven't even come close to explaining how life originally got here or how to reverse life's present degradation. But supposedly because of their credentialed background, that's why they got the job in the first place, because they're the experts and know answers others do not, right ??? Then why can't regular down to earth biologists find real world solutions to reverse Climate Change & restore damaged ecosystems and improve or save existing wildlife habitats that go beyond mere half-hearted token protection concepts in the form of rabid protesting through eco-activism ??? Here's a start, how about eliminating pollution caused by Industrial Science-Based agriculture ??? With all their collective understanding about life on Earth, why not teach people around the globe to utilize a real world discipline we call biomimicry in caring for the earth ??? The fact is they really don't know have understanding of Earth's natural processes or we wouldn't be in this mess we are in at present. So how can anybody believe the almost weekly dosage of storytelling fantacies we are receiving in the Pop Sci News Journals on a daily basis about some mythical lifeforms on other imaginary earth-like worlds ??? Of course I still think it would be kool if life were elsewhere, but mankind has more pressing priorities now right down here on Earth. 

NASA image of Amazon
If they actually really knew how live works on other planets, then why aren't they down here helping correct this mess they themselves caused here on earth ??? Well, NASA has shown us good productive viable results through meteorological satellites which have helped identify important cloud formation mechanisms which old growth trees and shrubs from rainforests and other plant ecosystems help facilitate the natural world's hydrological cycles. This is imperative for helping the world to reverse climate change. But the fact is, while NASA does a number of great things to help us identify climate mechanisms in nature like those that create cloud formation like this recent photo on the right here, over the Amazon where clouds always form over healthy vegetation, the Astrobiology division appears to be nothing more than a fund raising distraction which deflects attention away from our miserable reality of life down here on Earth. And most folks like that and go along with the fantasy without the backbone to ever dare question anything they say. It's a form of escape for most people, where wasting one's time debating on social media networking sites is more like a sport venue outlet then any real helpful viable discussion for problem solving. The reality is, NASA needs to recall all their astrobiologists back down here to earth to start researching and creating real world viable solutions for the Earth's real problems. Let me tell you what the real science was long before Astrobiologists started using divination to foretell the future from the stars. For me, the real science was done by the men and women scientists, engineers, mathematicians and others who created and designed viable innovations like the Hubble telescope, even though they later had to give it a contact lens for better universal eyesight. The real science were the scientists, mathematicians and engineers who designed and built the rocket ships which blasted Hubble from the Earth and released the Satellite into the orbit above us. Where the science fails is when Astrobiologists make up stories about what they think or imagine is out there based on personal bias, presupposition and blind faith religious or metaphysical gut feelings of how they wish things to be somewhere out there. Now as I've stated, I would love for there to be other places in the universe where untouched pristine life could be existing and waiting to be explored, but the fact that Scientists are incapable of fixing anything down here on Earth leaves me extremely doubtful that these astrobiologists are even close to knowing what they are talking about. Had our planet been managed and maintained more responsibly based on accurate knowledge of how nature really works, I'd be much more willing to allow them a greater measure of leniency for their published stories. Recently, the world lost one of the great actors who helped all of us escape the reality of our miserable world around us, even if it was only momentary. This was actor Leonard Nimoy (Star Trek star). Many of the basic myths of what could be out there as far as lifeforms were actually breathed life into by episodes of this very television series. For example you will often hear people talk about how real Silicon based lifeforms are possible somewhere out there. However, the only reason such a myth has itself been given any "life" is from none other than the mystic subject matter presented on one or two key episodes of "Star Trek." Leonard Nimoy was an actor, and so were the other cast and crew members who were nothing more just plain people on a movie set. None of them were scientists on an actual star ship which in of itself doesn't even yet exist. Neither does the so-called sustainable clean eco-green energy which was said to propel these mythical starships. But Leonard Nimoy also narrated some very interesting science programs. I wish he had done more, he had a great voice for making science interesting.

The fact is, there has never really been any "bio" (Greek for life) in the field of Astrobiology. The articles that come out in various Pop-Sci journals are simply loaded with stories and myths inspired by fantasy for the business purpose of clickbaiting people to increase their own ratings for advertisement revenues. You know what you get when you take the word 'bio' out of the word "Astrobiology" ??? You get Astrology. Know what Astrology was to the ancient Babylonian civilization who invented it ??? Divination. What these ancient priests did was simply gaze at and divine the stars to tell out future fortunes and happenings not yet realized or discovered. Of course these ancient Babylonian Intellectual wisemen also engaged in something known as hepatoscopy, where is fortunetelling was accomplished by reading the livers of butchered animals. How scientific was that ??? Know what Carl Sagan had to say about Astrology ??? Listen to this 9 minute video on just what he said about astrology, especially at the very beginning and pay real close attention to his first line in the video:

"There are two ways to view the Stars. The way they really are and as we might wish them to be"
In many ways, I really miss Carl Sagan. I may not have agreed with many things he said and believed in, but he made Science far more interesting than those who've since laid claim to taking his place in explaining the cosmos. Today there are numerous Science Gurus who want to trip you off into another mythical world of multi-universes where reality is not what we know it to be here. They tell us there is no such thing as freewill or that real solid truth is just an illussion. Indeed, they believe truth is a collection of like-minded philosophers of Science who agree on a preferred worldview and exclaim the Truth has been established by Scientific Consensus.

Seriously people, do you really like that kind of distraction to take you away from finding real world solutions for correcting things down here on Earth ??? At the end of last year 2014 a fantastic article came out about Climate Change which was far different from the other dumb boring political spitting contest articles by opposing sides on this issue that we generally read. It dealt with reality and viable options for solutions. I commented on it the first day it came out. I later went back and revisited it three days later to find out what others had to say and there were only 5 or 6 comments. Only 5 or 6, so I'm guessing most readers found a real honest article boring. Yet at that very same time, there was another modern day time wasting asinine article whose subject matter was something like, "Honey Boo Boo's Mama June has affair with Uncle Poodle who molested her Sister." Seriously folks, really ??? That article at the time I saw it had been out for only 4 hours and already had almost 2000 comments. People like being distracted from reality in our modern times and slipping off into fantasy world at an alarming rate. Fact is people in general have no real hope that things will ever improve down here on Earth. 

Now more interestingly, if you like the subject of Extraterrestrials, the Bible actually mentions how aliens from anotheer world really did come to earth and influence humankind for the worse. Now more than ever thsee biblical words below have more meaning than ever before:
"And they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away. (Matthew 24:37-39)
Okay, you fill in the blanks! The point of that verse was that the people back then in Noah's day were preoccupied and busy with the customary daily activities & affairs of life, even though they were no doubt concerned about the prevalence of violence the perversion of that time as mentioned in the biblical account. Unfortunately they paid no attention to Noah's warning which they viewed as a joke. Now interestingly there are many bible critics who point to this biblical account as a horrific tale and fingerpoint to an unloving God who would do such a thing. But wait a minute, if you love the thought of Extraterrestrials really existing, then you've got some homework to do. In Genesis chapter 6, it speaks of extraterrestrials visiting Earth prior to Noah and cohabitating with human women. So do some research for a change. Instead of taking the mere surface shallow materialist view, dig a little deeper at why that world of tat time was so corrupted and perverted. Fo a change, research the term or expression for these extraterrestrial creatures or beings who were called "sons of God" or "sons of the true God." But occur in several biblical text. Here, let me help, I'll post them below in the reference section and quote them. I'll also request you look up the term,  'Neph使i·lim', which is the offspring of these Extraterrestrials and human women. You'll be amazed at where such later civilizations as Greek, Romans, Babylonians all got their ancient mythologies from of gods coming down from heaven and marrying women and resulting offspring were the superhuman, you know, like "Hercules", etc. Just a thought for those really interested.

Now here we are today living in the time of the end which was referenced by making of a comparison of those warnings. People like being distracted and the world we all live in has no end to all the distractions available. We live in times where people just want to get back to a distracted sense of normalcy where the failed world on the outside is blocked out of their minds by countless distractions. In a twisted sort of logic, if the average person refuses to view the reality outside, then the real world problems don't exist. Please heed all the warning signs out there and stop putting blind faith in those who claim to be credentialed experts for whom you are indoctrinated into not questioning.

Update: July 4, 2019 - Mother Jones
Stop Building a Spaceship to Mars and Just Plant Some Damn Trees

Biblical References to the terms, "sons of the true God" & "sons of God"
Genesis 6:1-2 
"Now when men started to grow in number on the surface of the ground and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of the true God began to notice that the daughters of men were beautiful. So they began taking as wives all whom they chose."
Genesis 6:4
"The Neph使i·lim were on the earth in those days and afterward. During that time the sons of the true God continued to have relations with the daughters of men, and these bore sons to them. They were the mighty ones of old times, the men of fame."
Job 1:6
"Now the day came when the sons of the true God entered to take their station before Jehovah, and Satan+ also entered among them"
Job 2:1
"Afterward the day came when the sons of the true God entered to take their station before Jehovah, and Satan also entered among them to take his station before Jehovah."
Job 38:7
"When the morning stars joyfully cried out together,  And all the sons of God began shouting in applause?"

 Psalm 89:6

"For who in the skies can compare to Jehovah?  Who among the sons of God is like Jehovah?"

2 Peter 2:4-5
Certainly God did not refrain from punishing the angels who sinned, but threw them into Tar使ta·rus, putting them in chains of dense darkness to be reserved for judgment. 5 And he did not refrain from punishing an ancient world, but kept Noah, a preacher of righteousness, safe with seven others when he brought a flood upon a world of ungodly people."
Jude 6
"And the angels who did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place, he has reserved with eternal bonds in dense darkness for the judgment of the great day."

Biblical & Secular Terms Defined
Possibly meaning “The Fellers,” that is, those who cause others to fall down. The violent hybrid sons who were the children of materialized angels and the daughters of men or human women before the Flood.
In the Christian Greek Scriptures, a prisonlike abased condition into which the disobedient angels of Noah’s day were cast. At 2 Peter 2:4, the use of the verb tar·ta·ro使o (to “cast into Tartarus”) does not signify that “the angels who sinned” were cast into the pagan mythological Tartarus (that is, an underground prison and place of darkness for the lesser gods). Rather, it indicates that they were abased by God from their heavenly place and privileges and were delivered over to a condition of deepest mental darkness respecting God’s bright purposes. Darkness also marks their own eventuality, which the Scriptures show is everlasting destruction along with their ruler, Satan the Devil. Therefore, Tartarus denotes the lowest condition of abasement for those rebellious angels.
Extraterrestrial - (Merriam-Webster)
Originating, existing, or occurring outside the planet earth or its atmosphere. So certainly the "sons of the true God", "Sons of God", "Angels" would all therefore qualify as being real live extraterrestrials. 馃槈
Panspermia is the hypothesis, first proposed in the 5th century BCE by the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras, that life exists throughout the Universe. It is thought to be distributed by space dust, meteoroids, asteroids, comets, and planetoids, as well as by spacecraft carrying unintended contamination by micro-organisms.
Directed Panspermia - "Aliens did it or Extraterrestial Intelligent Life planned life on Earth. It doesn't matter if those extraterrestrials were Vulcans, Romulans or Klingons, the scientific Orthodoxy's rules mandate that the Extraterrestrial just cannot be the Biblical God. See, there's no such thing as Atheism or Agnosicism. Not when blind faith is demanded as a fact 馃槀

Maybe all the Pop-Sci Journals should have led with this Image instead 馃槅


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