
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Cahuilla Mountain Wilderness, Anza California

photo credit: Wikipedia
"The United States Congress designated the Cahuilla Mountain Wilderness (map) in 2009 and it now has a total of 5,585 acres. All of this wilderness is located in California and is managed by the Forest Service."
I'm mainly writing this as a supplementary to my cloud formation post on my other blog Earth's Internet. With this post I wanted to mainly help viewers and readers to appreciate a designated Wilderness area in southern California where most have never been to as a result of it's out of the way location and inaccessibility. It is a beautiful example of old growth Chaparral plant community intermingled with pure Coulter Pine Tree Forest along with numerous Black Oak, Engleman Oak, Interior Live Oak and several other large old growth Scrub Oak species. The dominant old growth chaparral species being Redshank or Ribbonwood, Mountain Mahogany, Manzanitas and various Ceanothus. There are a couple of individuals who post online who have hiked and documented much of what they saw and experienced and I thought I would post these links here for you. This first one is from a Sylvia Ender who I believe belongs to the Coachella Valley Hiking Group and here is a link to here Flicker Photo Stream which works as a slide show.

The next link is from a Anthony Jones website where he documents hikes and journeys he takes. He also has a photo stream and a 15 minute video which he also narrates.

Below is Antnony's video of his Cahuilla Mountain Trek with his friend John Nelson. In this video and actually both photo Slide Show Streams above, please take note of the the former old growth chaparral plant community and forested areas and the results of an Arson set fire which took place back in 1996.

Credit Photo:
From Cahuilla Summit looking east at El Toro Peak in the Santa Rosa Mountains in the distance and Thomas Mountain in the distance on the very left side of the photo

This is yet another beautiful shot looking east from what I believe is the southern side of the Cahuilla Mountain where many residents of the gated community from Lake Riverside area will often ride their horses up that part of the mountainside. The trailhead below at Lake Riverside is at the mouth of a canyon which contains several large California Sycamore Trees. This is a rarity because the odd climate up there often has a late spring freeze which will irritate any gardener whose hard work gets thrashed by the late frost. On that note, for all gardeners who plan on growing a Sycamore up there, here is a photo I have published before on my blog, but have never pointed out the California Sycamore failure which unbelievably is almost 30 years old, but you wouldn't know this from the shape it's in. Take a look below at my photo again.
Okay, left hand side California Sycamore Tree. Notice the sickly condition ? What happens to  any Sycamore if it's genetic origin is from much lower elevations is that they will bud break early and the late freeze will fry the foliage. This poor  tree has had this happen almost every year since  it was planted in 1985.  Had I been smart enough or known more on location genetics, I would have  collected seed from local areas as opposed to a  Nursery Tree from San Juan Capistrano Anyway enjoy the adventure photos from Cahuilla Mountain provided by other hikers. Once again my providing this here is to not distract from my post on Earth's Internet on weather modification technology which is actually based on natural climate creation phenomena involving physics, chemistry and biological plant resources as the actual driver of climate on Earth. Take a quick look at an illustration from a company using WeatherTec innovations and the identical comparisons I make of Cahuilla Mountain. and follow the link below for further info on this amazing complex weather creation and maintenance system found in the natural world.
Here is the link:

An in Depth View of Earth's Climate Creation & Maintenance Mechanisms and the Synthetic Biology Science is Pushing as a Replacement Solution

Meteo-Systems AG © Copyright 2008 METEO SYSTEMS. All rights reserved.
Picture or imagine for a moment that the above illustration of that hill is Cahuilla Mountain. Imagine that rather than Meteo-Systems WeatherTec Tower, there is the pristine old growth mix of chaparral and forests. Now you know how cloud formation and rainfall are facilitated through something called orographic & convective cloud formation which incorporates physics & chemistry along with the biological components of an old growth vegetative system as the medium transmitter. Now you know how some of the summertime monsoonal rainfall is created and the reasons why it happens in Anza Valley. You also now know why the global destruction of these complex plant life ecosystems is degrading our planet's climate drivers. The next question is, why do this world's Climate Scientists continually focus so much attention on warming temps and rise in CO2s, when they should be teaching people how nature works and methods for rebuilding ? he answer has more to do with politics, ideology! Something we are indoctrinated into believing Science is immune from. Go figure! 


  1. I've been wanting to get up to Cahuilla Mountain for some time now...maybe during Christmas vacation! I love the views up there...I can see "my" mountains, the San Gabriels! I grew up in Arcadia, CA and I viewed them for 20 years. Now, the San Jacintos are "my" mountains! I'll have to check out the videos after work.

    1. The trek photo streams and video was another great find. Most people have never been up there. for the most part you have to go way out of your way and I guess that is what keeps the area so wild and pristine. Glad it was finally designated a wilderness area though.


  2. Can't wait to explore all those links...only been through that area 2X, but I used to know a guy here who was Cahuilla Indian.

    California Sycamore - we have quite a few in Abq landscapes, and our biggest problem here is not late freezes, but summer leaf scorch, even in lawns - same as with London Plane Sycamore. Even Arizona Sycamore has some issues. I think this again might be mycorrizae and/or soil types. But man are those 3 popular and grow fast if one turns the water to them.

    Then there's Mexican Sycamore...never tried it in Abq, but having seen it in Roswell NM, it gets no leaf scorch (and they are *hot*) at all.

    1. I love that area and the views from there. Don't forget to look up the link I have which is a bit heavy on the content side with regards weather creation mechanisms.

      Sycamores, like any other plant, if you have the time to do you homework and research areas where they grow, take a visit and look at the condition they are in. Take note of elevation and other habitat conditions and compare this with whatever project you want to place them. I'm a firm believer in acquiring seed sources to be used in similar environments. Though all manner of the same Sycamore may be related, their DNA will have over time generated an encoded system which will allow the plant to survive well within that specific circumstance environment. Find the right plant with the right adaptation requirements and you'll succeed better.



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